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September 20, 2012

The Many Faces of Tailgating

A tongue-in-cheek profile of the types of people you are sure to encounter (at least once) at Williams-Brice Stadium on a typical game day.

The Group Who Painted Up
This is the group of 7-10 friends who decided it would be a great idea to paint their bodies, glorify their sports’ bras (for the ladies) and try their best to stay in the correct order throughout the entire game. This seems like a great idea at 10 in the morning when you first get to the stadium, but it seems like less of a good idea after someone has spilled a mimosa (or four) and you’re A starts to look a little bit like sad stick figure. And you haven’t even made it into the stadium yet.

If you do make it into the stands, you’re likely to figure out your BFF is the C and you’re the G of the GAMECOCKS! line, so you’re forced to text each other throughout the game to keep up with your stalking of the couple making out in front of you after every touchdown. If you’re lucky though, despite these mishaps, you will make ESPN for a second of glory when their camera scans the student section and lands right on you and your lucky friends. Co AEMGOCKS! Good effort though.

The Girl in the Cocktail Dress and Cowboy Boots
Now, I am the perfect example of this girl. I’ll admit I have my little black game day dress already picked out on Thursday before the big game. And every Saturday when it comes to make the ultimate decision, what shoes to wear, I hesitate every time. To wear the cowboy boots or to not wear the cowboy boots? I always choose not to, and I’ll let you know why. If you’re not one of the lucky few with access to premium parking spots, you will be walking almost a mile to the stadium. I don’t know about you, but my boots were not meant for walking. So that’s not what they’re going to do. I love the outfit, and I have the utmost respect for the girls who complete their ensemble with the boots. They are truly dedicated to looking their southern best. And for that, I tip my hat to them…even though I didn’t wear a cowboy hat either.

The Ultimate Tailgater in the Too-Short Dress
This girl didn’t realize there would be so many tailgating activities. Corn-hole. Beer Pong. Redneck Golf. The only thing is she is still wearing the same dress she wore to Five Points the night before so bending down to pick up that beanbag isn’t the easiest thing for her to do. Luckily about and hour before the game starts, she’s usually passed out in the folding Nascar chair that her boyfriend brought her. Long live #3. Everyone has to run out of gas sooner or later.

So what do you do?
How do you defeat these stereotypes and still look awesome? You want to look cute, maybe even sexy, in your gameday attire. How can you win on all accounts, make it through 8 hardcore hours of tailgating, and still come out on top? Let me tell you a little secret. You go to your nearest Gamecock gear store. Skip the dresses, skip the halters. You want to look like a real winner? Want people to respect you?

Go to the nearest jersey rack, and grab number 21. You’ll be a winner every time.

{via Go Team Shop}
Post written by guest author Casey McClary, a fourth year public relations student at USC who comes from a family of loyal gamecocks. She also operates an Etsy shop (The Print Library) where she creates awesome printable Gamecock art!

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